09 425 0037 info@curtainspec.nz

Window treatments can make or break a room

The way you choose to hang your drapes or curtains is a very important yet often unrecognised consideration. Hang curtains too low and the ceiling will feel like it’s caving in, hang them too high and they won’t touch the floor the way they’re supposed to. Yet if you hang them just right, they will be the finishing touch that makes your space feel polished and complete.

Curtain rods play an important role in how your window furnishings look. To choose the right rod, you need to consider the room, the size of the window, or door, how heavy the curtains are and whether you want a single or double layer of curtains.


Curtain rods from plain to ornate

We stock plain tracks to rods with tracks or rings and a good choice of finial styles with many different material, colour and finish options. If you would like to hide the track and make the curtains the feature, then a plain flat track the colour of your wall would be the ideal treatment. Those tracks that are completely hidden from view can be chosen based on function alone. However, if you would like to make more of a feature of the curtain rods, then you can choose the ones where the drapes will hang underneath, leaving the rods exposed above the curtains when open or closed.

Decorative curtain rods for every style of room

You are even able to have the tracks or rods painted specifically to suit your home decor choice: your rod or track can blend in or stand out to make a statement.

Drawing the curtains on the world outside

With most tracks and rods there is the option to have them cord-drawn. This means your lovely drapes will not be handled morning and night and so are less likely to mark and more likely to last. If the type of rod or track you choose does not have a cord draw feature, you can purchase curtain wands that clip onto the glides on the leading edge of the drapes. This enables you to draw your drapes with the wands, not with your hands, helping reduce wear and tear.